[Kmymoney] CSV import with multiple currencies

Atish Nazir gomi at littleworld.co.uk
Mon Apr 22 19:48:40 UTC 2013

On 22/04/13 18:47, aga wrote:
> Firstly, congratulations to PayPal for another first.  Usually, there
> are about a hundred columns.
> Your transactions show GBP as the currency.  Do I take it, then, that
> your base currency is other that GBP?
> The CSV importer grew from the QIF importer, which has no currency
> capability, so, unfortunately, presently neither has the CSV importer.
> I will try to have a look at this, but no promises.  The UI for
> investments is already pretty full, but the checking one could be OK.
> The snag is, that if I were to do this for checking, what's the betting
> that someone else will want it for investments?
> Allan

Hi Allan,
Apologies, bad example on my part.  Here's a better example of real data:

Date, Time, Time Zone, Name, Type, Status, Currency, Amount, Receipt ID, Balance, 

09/03/2013,17:56:40,GMT,LastPass,Web Accept Payment Sent,Completed,USD,-12,,0,

09/03/2013,17:56:40,GMT,From British Pound,Currency Conversion,Completed,USD,12,,12,

09/03/2013,17:56:40,GMT,To US Dollar,Currency Conversion,Completed,GBP,-8.3,,0,

09/03/2013,17:56:40,GMT,Bank Account,Add Funds from a Bank Account,Completed,GBP,8.3,,8.3,

09/03/2013,16:07:25,GMT,Julia Z,PayPal Express Checkout Payment Sent,Completed,EUR,-15.71,,0,

09/03/2013,16:07:25,GMT,From British Pound,Currency Conversion,Completed,EUR,15.71,,15.71,

09/03/2013,16:07:25,GMT,To Euro,Currency Conversion,Completed,GBP,-14.21,,0,

My PayPal account is based in GBP, but I do buy things internationally
with it such as LastPass Premium and things from eBay France.  Just from
observing the CSV, there's a bug with the PayPal balance column -- it is
summing different currencies together.

I can see a problem with importing this data with the CSV importer with
multiple currencies as it would require maintaining state between lines
to pair up currency conversions.

Since I'm not overly interested in the currency amount paid, I'm going
to hack together a script to compact currency conversion lines into
single withdrawals lines.  Perhaps at a later stage I'll take this
further to articulate everything as OFX with the currency conversions
included in the transactions, but it will be interesting to see if this
is included in PayPals QIF support.


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