[Kmymoney] CSV import with multiple currencies

Atish Nazir gomi at littleworld.co.uk
Mon Apr 22 16:52:54 UTC 2013

Hi guys,
I've decided to track my PayPal account with KMyMoney in addition to my
more conventional current, credit and savings accounts.

I'm modelling the PayPal account as an asset account in GBP and
importing historical data with the CSV importer (v4.6.1).  The gotcha is
that the CSV file contains withdrawals in multiple currencies, USD and
EUR.  Helpfully the CSV contains the conversion rate to GBP.

Here's a sample of my PayPal CSV:

Date, Time, Time Zone, Name, Type, Status, Currency, Amount, Receipt ID, Balance, 

20/04/2013,15:25:12,BST,Ransomes Sunblinds Ltd,PayPal Express Checkout Payment Sent,Scheduled for 4 May 2013,GBP,-3.25,,0,

20/04/2013,14:32:53,BST,Spotify Finance Ltd,Pre-approved Payment Sent,Completed,GBP,-9.99,,0,

20/04/2013,14:32:53,BST,Bank Account,Add Funds from a Bank Account,Completed,GBP,9.99,,9.99,

I'm trying to figure out a number of things:

  * Can I configure the asset account to represent multiple currencies?
  * Is there a way to tweak the CSV importer to use the currency
    specified in the Currency column?
  * Are there other ways to import from PayPal?  QIF seems to truncate
    after a few transactions on my account (looks like a bug with
    escaping quotes) and I've raised an issue with PayPal about this.

Thanks in advance.

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