[Kmymoney] Problems importing CSV files

Magnus Larsson magnus at vista.se
Tue Jun 19 21:12:50 UTC 2012


I've installed 4.6.2 from Calaydoh's ppa, and saved the csv with tabs 
and commas in libreoffice. I attach it here. It does not recognize the 

What do I do wrong?


On 2012-06-19 12:37, Allan wrote:
> On 18/06/12 23:54, Allan wrote:
>> On 18/06/12 19:46, Magnus Larsson wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am running kmymoney on Kubuntu 12.04, and I am trying to migrate from
>>> GnuCash to KmyMoney. Now I've run into a problem:
>>> I need to import lists of transactions, that I download as xls-files
>>> from my bank, then edit them in gnumeric/libreoffice calc, and save as
>>> csv. Only 3 coumns: date, description, and amount (+ and - in one
>>> column, NOT separate debet and credit). Like this:
>>> 2012/06/04 VA-SYD -512
>>> 2012/06/04 FRIHAMNSVIADUK -2478,25
>>> When importing into KmyMoney, the decimals are not identified. So 
>>> 130,50
>>> is recognized as 13050. I've tried using a decimal comma (saved the 
>>> file
>>> with commas AND set it to comma in the configuration tab of the imprt
>>> window) and dots, same error produced.
>>> ANy ideas on what I might do wrong? Any more information that I should
>>> supply?
>>> Best,
>>> Magnus Larsson
>> Hi Magnus
>> Would you say what revision you have of KMM, please?
>> I'm not sure if the two lines of data above are actually what you are
>> trying to import, or whether you've formatted them for readability in
>> the email, as they seem to contain both tabs and spaces between fields.
>> That said, there definitely appears to be a problem importing them. I'm
>> investigating, using semi-colon (;) as separator and comma (,) as
>> decimal. There is a problem importing '-512' as it contains no decimal,
>> but the importer is supposed to handle that, but doesn't. Adding ',00'
>> to it allows it to import correctly here, using 4.6.1.
>> There is another problem, too, in that the second line shows in the UI,
>> but not in the line count.
>> However, you may have more success for the time being using a comma
>> separator and point '.' as decimal. Using those settings, both of the
>> above lines import here.
>> Let me know how you get on. It might help if you can supply a typical
>> file formatted as you would wish it to appear, for me to test with, in
>> case of other gremlins.
>> Allan
> I think it's probably best to ignore my previous reply as I didn't 
> have my brain in gear.
> I did a copy/paste of your two lines, but failed to add a return on 
> the last line so it wasn't being taken into account.
> Now, using tab as separator and comma as decimal both lines are 
> handled correctly initially, the '-512' correctly showing as 
> '-512,00'.  KMM version 4.6.2 now imports the values correctly, 
> However, 4.6.1 does not.
> Can you build 4.6.2 from source, or get it from Claydoh's repository?
> Allan
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