[Kmymoney] Kmymoney (Qt4) speedup tip

Nicolas Salles oss at nsalles.net
Sun Jun 10 21:30:27 UTC 2012

On saturday, Nick a wrote :

> Simply append "-graphicssystem raster" to the kmymoney command line and
> you can swap views instantly, and load new accounts/ledgers in about a
> second instead of 5 or 6 seconds.  When I edit a transaction in-place,
> now the form displays in one redraw instead of redrawing each widget
> separately.
> A few things are still quite slow, for instance clicking on the
> "cleared/reconciled" column in the ledger view to clear an item causes a
> full screen repopulate it seems.  But on the whole it's a very
> worthwhile improvement.  I hope this idea might be useful to other
> people also !

I'm using Kmymoney 4.6.2 with Debian gnome-shell desktop and the argument
has really improved the way kmymoney respond.

Thanks for the tip.


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