[Kmymoney] Exporting in one QIF

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 10:28:09 UTC 2012

On 21/01/12 09:14, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi,
> on Wednesday 11 January 2012 13:31:26 Artem Skvira wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to export transactions from KMyMoney so I can import them into
>> MoneyDance.
>> I have few years worth of transactions for a number of accounts (~15
>> accounts).
>> Currently KMyMoney seems to offer only per-account export option, which
>> creates a lot of duplication - say if you have a transaction containing a
>> split, the information about the split and all participating entries will
>> be recorded in all accounts involved in the transaction.
> ... and I would expect to encounter the same problem even if more accounts are
> in the same file. I could think of an option that would drop each transaction
> only once into the file, but the nature of the beast (QIF format) still needs
> different entries for investment transactions (AFAIK).  So it's not something
> you just jot down and it works.

I've got the investment export feature working here, and am just waiting 
for the previous plugin reviewboard entry to be given the go-ahead 
before submitting this, hopefully fairly soon.

>> That creates a lot of duplicate transactions when importing into
>> MoneyDance. I do realise, however, this may be due to the broken import
>> procedure in MoneyDance itself.
> KMyMoney has the same problem and solves it with a more or less intelligent
> transaction matcher during import.
>> Yet I still have a problem and I need to solve it - I would appreciate any
>> advice you guys could provide!
> One way you could go is to convert the transactions in a KMyMoney data file
> (which is a gzipped XML formatted file) into QIF using a script language of
> your choice. I know that this requires some programming expertise on your end.
> The other advice I can give is to ask the MoneyDance folks/community for
> support.
> Hope that helps to get started. One thing we're interested in is the reason
> why you're moving away from KMyMoney and want to use Moneydance. What is it
> that is missing in KMyMoney?
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