[Kmymoney] big file

Przemyslaw Kaminski cgenie at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 07:43:49 UTC 2012

I use KMyMoney on a daily basis and it's been a great help.
The problem is that currently my file is getting quite big -- I have 
8889 splits and 329 accounts/categories after 2 years of usage and it's 
getting longer and longer to load the program (I guess about 5-8 secs 
now). Since we have a new year, I would like to archive the history of 
all transactions and start a new file, keeping the accounts balance.
I first tried the Export->Account template feature and saved the account 
information to a file. But then Import->Account template does not 
present me with an option to load a file, just some list of countries -- 
is this a bug?
After talking on an IRC group I learned that this export feature would 
not save my account's balances. Wouldn't it be nice if it did? Or at 
least there was some option to do so? I think this would solve my problem.
I use ArchLinux standard KDE distro, version 4.7.4.
Cheers and thanks for such a great app,

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