[Kmymoney] changing categories

sharon kimble boudiccas at talktalk.net
Wed Feb 29 02:28:08 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 28 February 2012 20:51:18 Jack wrote:
> On 2012.02.28 15:09, sharon kimble wrote:
> > I am using kmymoney 3-98-1 and have about a dozen transactions with
> > the
> > category of 'miscellaneous:snuff' which I want to change to 'Snuff'.
> > Is it
> > possible to do it all at once without going through each entry and
> > doing it by
> > hand manually please?
> Yes, you can.  If they are all in the same account, you can select them
> all in the ledger (click the first, then either shift click on the last
> if they are ll contiguous, or else control click on each of them) then
> click edit and set the category.
> Also, note that 3.98.1 is an extremely old version.  1.0.5 was released
> for KDE3 quite some time ago, and 4.6.2 for KDE4 was recently
> released.  There are enough bug fixes and enhancements, that you should
> seriously consider upgrading.  Please feel free to post here if you
> have any problems with the upgrade or installing a newer version.

3.98.1 is the current version that is used in debian stable [aka squeeze or 
6.0.4]. So in the hope of getting a more uptodate version i've emailed the 
backports mailing list to request a backport of 4.6.21 which is in use in 
'testing' debian [aka wheezy]. So now I'm just waiting to hear if my request 
is granted, and someone starts work on it. 

I'll try and sort out the categories later on, when I don’t feel so tired. 

Thanks again
A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk/taste/index.html
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Debian 6,0.4, Gnome 1:2.30+7, LibreOffice 3.4.5
Registered Linux user 334501 

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