[Kmymoney] changing categories

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 28 20:51:18 UTC 2012

On 2012.02.28 15:09, sharon kimble wrote:
> I am using kmymoney 3-98-1 and have about a dozen transactions with  
> the
> category of 'miscellaneous:snuff' which I want to change to 'Snuff'.  
> Is it
> possible to do it all at once without going through each entry and  
> doing it by
> hand manually please?

Yes, you can.  If they are all in the same account, you can select them  
all in the ledger (click the first, then either shift click on the last  
if they are ll contiguous, or else control click on each of them) then  
click edit and set the category.

Also, note that 3.98.1 is an extremely old version.  1.0.5 was released  
for KDE3 quite some time ago, and 4.6.2 for KDE4 was recently  
released.  There are enough bug fixes and enhancements, that you should  
seriously consider upgrading.  Please feel free to post here if you  
have any problems with the upgrade or installing a newer version.


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