[Kmymoney] [Kmymoney2-user] Problem with reports or screen bug ...

Patrick Gelin patrick.gelin at free.fr
Thu Sep 29 19:11:34 UTC 2011

Le 29/09/2011 20:02, Thomas Baumgart a écrit :
> Hi,
> on Thursday 29 September 2011 18:50:24 Patrick Gelin wrote:
>>> Can you describe what you do (which report, which configuration, etc) and
>>> what exactly you expect? That would help a lot.
>> I exepcted to get values into both axes ! The screenshot display only
>> bars, no values into axes (neither horizontal (dates) or vertical € -
>> euro values). By the way, values into graphic are wrong. I could test
>> that line graph is ok (and bar also) with axes, but not stacked bar graph.
> I see.
>>>> I'm using kmymoney 4.6.5.
>>> Hmm, the newest we have is 4.6.0, maybe a typo.
>> No, sorry it's 4.5.3 ! May be I could update ? But I downloed latest
>> source version yesturday !!!
> I doubt that: 4.6.0 was released on August 10th 2011. Grab the source from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmymoney2/files/KMyMoney-KDE4/4.6.0/ if you
> like. Make sure to use the -2 variant.
Ok, now it's 4.6.0 compiled and installed but problem is the same. Look 
at two screenshot. Both are about the same report. Capture1 is with 
chart type stacked bar (and you can't see axes, so there is a problem) 
and Capture2 is with bar (and it's with axes, so it's good).

May be there is a problem with the version of a componant ? I'm using 
ubuntu 11.04...

Thank you for your help.

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