[Kmymoney] KMyMoney - no decimals accepted when splitting transactions

Michael Berger idest at online.de
Thu Sep 22 15:40:45 UTC 2011

Hi Thomas,
thanks for your comments.

On Thursday 22 September 2011 13:49:30 Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi,

> Just to make one thing very clear: KCalc ist not used in any part of the
> application. The only way it is used is as an external application that is
> simply started through a button in the KMyMoney toolbar. All other
> calculation mechanisms are built into KMyMoney.
Good to know.
Well then, in KMM's General Settings > External Program the field 'Calculator' 
is now empty (and KMM was restarted).
And Yes, I can start KCalc from the button in the tool bar as always.

> Where does this happen? In the split transaction dialog? Do you use the
> calculator button of the widget in any way? Do you enter the values as they
> are? Can you reproduce the problem? If yes, how?

I can reproduce this as often as I like and with any transaction I like.

I think the two screen shots are self-explanatory:
The total amount of 10,90 is to be split in 10,00 and 0,90.

Split1 is assigned 10,00 - OK
(if I had typed 10,xy the result would again have been 10 - I've tried this 
over and over)

Split2 shows the result after entering 0,90 for a second category and 
confirming with OK

Whether using the small calculator icon in the split transaction dialog or 
typing the figures, the result is the same after OK is hit.

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