[Kmymoney] Check writing

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 19 23:00:00 UTC 2011

On 2011.10.19 18:16, John Tiedeman wrote:
> I thought I had seen something about check writing in kMyMoney, but  
> now that I have installed it I can't find any mention of it. An  
> Internet search for "Linux check printing" revealed that the best way  
> to print checks in Linux is to use gnuCash. If I do that, can I  
> transfer the data to kMyMoney? Or is there a better solution?

In KMM 4.x, check printing is handled by a plugin that is included with  
the source code, so it should be available, even if it isn't well  
documented.  Go to "Settings" / "Confingure KMyMoney", select the  
Plugins section, and click the configure icon (looks like a little  
wrench).  Be sure you have a template selected.  Mine are in  
/usr/share/apps/kmm_printcheck, but it might depend on your  
distribution.  Then, when you have an appropriate transaction selected,  
"Print Check" should be the last item on the transaction menu.

However - I just checked for myself, and even though I have a template  
selected, on one of my PCs it works, but on the other the Print Check  
item is grayed out on the menu, so I don't know what other  
configuration option I'm missing.

If you don't even see any of the option or configuration screens, which  
version are you using, what is your distro, and how did you install  

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