[Kmymoney] Re: How is the workflow for matching transactions to accounts?

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Sun Jul 17 08:41:28 CEST 2011

Hi Thomas,

On Jul 17, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:

> Sorry for not answering, but this one was burried in a huge pile of mails.
No problem. We're all busy. :-)

> I took a quick look at the source to figure out what the problem could be but 
> I did not see it. The code is in the classes MyMoneyStatementreader and 
> TransactionMatcher which can be found in the usual places.
OK, it's surely possible to manage to tackle this quirck myself, when the next wrongly-assigned transaction comes in, which happens only very rarely.

But in principle the transaction manager should issue a warning and never even try to assign a transaction to a closed account.


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