[Kmymoney] Investment accounts

Konstantin Svist fry.kun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 17:26:54 UTC 2011

On 08/30/2011 07:48 AM, Jack wrote:
> On 2011.08.30 02:48, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>> on Tuesday 30 August 2011 03:22:12 Konstantin Svist wrote:
> .....
>>> I did this time and keep getting the same errors: "Connection to 
>>> host ofx.schwab.com is broken." and "No suitable accounts were found 
>>> at this bank." The original account update works okay.
>> That is strange. Something must have changed in the meantime and I 
>> have no idea what it could be. Looking at 
>> http://www.ofxhome.com/ofxforum/viewtopic.php?id=47480 people report 
>> some odd things about Schwab, but I doubt that they are reasons for 
>> not being able to map an account.
> If you can download transactions from a previously mapped account, but 
> cannot map a new account, I had exactly that problem last week.  If 
> you capture a log of both sessions, and compare the requests, they 
> will probably be mostly the same up to one asking for accounts and the 
> other asking for transactions.  Before that, some dates may differ, 
> but in my case, there was a subtle change in the <ORG> part of the 
> <FI>.   In my case, it was the loss of spaces surrounding a "&".  
> Using the working <ORG> value in my request allowed me to map a new 
> account.

Nice, that worked. Interestingly, it works as long as there's SOMETHING 
in the ORG field, doesn't matter what.

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