[Kmymoney] problems in trying to use Aqbanking

Michael Berger idest at online.de
Sun Aug 28 16:52:35 UTC 2011

I am using Kmymoney 4..2 / KDE 4.6 in openSUSE 14.4

I fail to use Aqbanking for my accounts with Volksbank Mittelhessen, bank code 
All plugins and modules required are installed.
Obviously my configuration and Aqbanking settings for "user" and "account" 
must as well be correct as I am getting the Certificate from the Bank when 
requested using "Special Actions" in the General Settings menu.
My Aqbanking settings seem to concur with those used by Thomas who apparently 
faces no difficulties in using Aqbanking with the same Bank (different 

However, on pressing the "Get Accounts" button nothing happens. 
The expert in charge from Volksbank Mittelhessen can trace my various attempts 
and finds everything OK.  But according to him using either 972 Smart Tan plus 
or 962 Smart TAN Plus is mandatory.
KMM only offers one of the following methods to me:
-- select --
904 Smart TAN
912 iTAN
942 mobile TAN
Thomas has KMM automatically select the TAN method; so I don't know if he is 
offered and accordingly uses 972/ 962 Smart TAN Plus.

If it is  what it looks to me , how can I get my KMM installation use the 
missing 972/962 Smart TAN Plus?
Any other clues?

Thanks for the great program and the continued excellent support.

Michael Berger
Im Borngrund 7a
35606 Solms-Oberndorf
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: +49 6442 200917
idest at online.de
Registered Linux User 520453

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