[Kmymoney] Re: Cannot edit payee list

Ian Millington ian at ianmillington.co.uk
Fri Apr 1 00:37:30 CEST 2011

Hi Allan

On 31/03/11 11:44, aga wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:23:44 +0100
> Ian Millington<ian at ianmillington.co.uk>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've tried with both 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 with the same result. It works
>> with 1.0.5 though.
>> I tried setting KMM to show only transactions from 1/1/2011. No
>> difference.
> Well, either that indicates that this procedure still reads all
> payees/transactions, or that the fault is later that Jan.  You could
> try 1 Mar 2011?
Yes I have, and sadly it is still the same.
>> I'm not sure how I would run a transaction report by payee. Do you
>> have any guidance on that please?
> Select Report/Transactions/Transactions by Payee.  You then get a
> wizard allowing you to specify requirements.  Account will probably
> have everything selected, as will category and payee.  So just set the
> start date to your earliest date.  You'll get a long list per payee of
> all transactions.  See what happens, and if anything looks untoward.
> Changing start-end dates might help, too.
I ran a transaction report from 1/1/1999 to date and it looks like it 
picked everything up, and didn't return any error messages at all. So 
that was fine.
>> Also, I don't know how valid this is but running a consistency check
>> produces the error "consistency check failed - invalid transaction to
>> be modified".
> Now, that is significant.  I didn't ask about that as the check is now
> done on every save, and, as I understand it, any error should get
> fixed.  I think I was assuming you couldn't save.  When you got that
> message, did you continue to save?  Otherwise, you'll continue to
> experience the problem, assuming KMM can fix it.
On the consistency check, I merely used tools/consistency check without 
having any real clue as to what it would do.  I have no trouble at all 
saving, or doing a backup. I can save the file in 4.5.2/3 and open it in 
1.0.5 and it works flawlessly, I can delete payees and reassign at will. 
However, when I revert to 4.5.x the issue is still there. It's not the 
end of the world, and I can add new payees whilst working within the 
ledgers, it's just that nothing in the payee pane works. I wondered it 
might be a bug in the GUI or simply that there were too many payees 
(file info says 1307!) but the fact that you can open the anonymous file 
suggests otherwise, so it looks like it is specific to my installation.

A couple of points: I did try within 4.5.3 setting up a new user and 
when I did I can add and delete payees. Could the issue be the way I set 
up the user account? I simply exported the kmy file from skrooge, opened 
it in kmy, set the preferences and saved. Should I have done it differently?



> Allan
>> I can't get past the fact that 1.0.5 works on this but 4.x.x doesn't.
>> Weird!
>> On 31/03/11 10:55, aga wrote:
>>> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 09:13:37 +0100
>>> Ian Millington<ian at ianmillington.co.uk>   wrote:
>>>> Hi Allan
>>>> I exported from both 1.05 and 4.5.3. I've sent you the latter. Here
>>>> with 4.5.3 I can open the anonymous file but cannot edit the payee
>>>> list still. There is no problem with 1.0.5
>>>> On receipt of your message, thinking it might be a config issue, I
>>>> renamed the rc file in my home directory, but the end result was
>>>> the same - clicking anywhere in the payee pane (buttons or payee
>>>> names) causes an instant freeze of the program.
>>>> Don't know if this helps, but I have run KMM in a terminal and here
>>>> is the message. The final lines are when the data file has loaded -
>>>> clicking in the payee area produces nothing. Does this help?
>>>> Ps this files a bit smaller than the last:-)
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Ian
>>> Hi Ian
>>> Those messages are normal, that is, I get them, too.
>>> I'm on the svn version, so I've now installed the openSuse version,
>>> which is 4.5.2.  This too has no problem with your payees in the
>>> anon file.  I can select, edit and delete them without problem.
>>> So, if I can do this on svn and 4.5.2, and you can't on 4.5.3, that
>>> suggest an incompatibility between 4.5.3 and your file.  If you
>>> haven't already done this, could you try 4.5.2?
>>> Another couple of things you could try first.  If you could open the
>>> config. settings, and then General/Filter, change the year to, say
>>> 2011 to exclude earlier details.  See if that might exclude a
>>> problem payee.  If so, try an earlier year, and, if not, try a
>>> later month.  If this makes a difference in any way, you might be
>>> able to narrow down to the problem, although with the number of
>>> payees you have, it could be a bit laborious.
>>> The other way would be to run a Transactions report by payee, and
>>> see if that coughs, or gives any indication of a problem.
>>> A final thing I might be tempted to try, if all else failed, is to
>>> produce an xml file of your real data, and do a search and replace
>>> in it.  It's a bit tricky, for me anyway, but I did succeed in
>>> replacing every payee with a single new payee.  I think you said
>>> you would be too upset to lose your payees?  Very important to save
>>> the result with a new name, to avoid overwriting real data.  If you
>>> get to this stage, let me know!
>>> allan
>>>> On 31/03/11 00:23, aga wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:29:13 +0100
>>>>> Ian Millington<ian at ianmillington.co.uk>    wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Further to previous I attach an anonymous file - I figured out
>>>>>> how to do it- turn off automatic file extension!
>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>> Were you able to reproduce the problem with the anon file?
>>>>> Here, the file loads OK and I can select the payees, and use the
>>>>> buttons to delete.
>>>>> Was the file from which it was produced your problem one, or one
>>>>> from KMM2?
>>>>> Allan
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