[Kmymoney] Cant install OFX plug in.

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Aug 31 19:05:13 CEST 2010


on Tuesday 31 August 2010 you wrote:


> > That would be the first question. Next is: does the CMake setting for the
> > install prefix is where your KDE lives? It happened to me several times
> > that I saw /usr/local instead of /usr for this setting. If that is the
> > case, run 'sudo make uninstall' first before you change anything.
> > Otherwise a stray installation of KMyMoney is kept on your disk.
> THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!   KDE is in USR/  Initially KMYMONEY was in only
> > Did you run 'sudo make install' at all? It is required, esp. if you
> > modify/build the plugins. That is what Allan also mentioned in his last
> > paragraph. Again, running make install is a *must* for plugin code.
> YES I DID  SUDO MAKE INSTALL. (nearly every time!?)
> Thanks for your help. I can report success with the plugin (and others
> icalender, print check, and reconciliation report, all now visible. and
> a small trial OFX download, and for the first time in more than a year
> the dates appear to be correct! (Now everybody in New Zealand
> + ?Australia can relax)(Is anyone out there?)
> On my computer however there is a now a duplicate set of Kmymoney in
> USR/ and USR/local,  Also there seems to be the same with Libofx, its in
> both places, but maybe its supposed to be?

I doubt that it is supposed to be in both places except you wanted it that 
way. Anyway, one of them could be installed through your distro the other one 
from your source based build. I don't know, because I wasn't around when you 
did it ;)

> I want to talk about this on behalf of all new users of Linux/Kmymoney
> who basically don't know much and who get confused.
> When I extracted Kmymoney4.5 tar  I followed the quick start
> instructions in the README.cmake. for the first 4 compiling attempts. ie
> cmake .. (there are no Prefix instructions.)
> In http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KMyMoney
> it is cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/

cmake is configured to pick up the right directory for the install prefix if 
none is specified. Sometimes - and this happened to me also - it picks up 
/usr/local even if your KDE is installed in /usr. I have not yet figured out 
why this happens, but believe me, if I do, I'll fix it.

> 1)How do files get sent to usr/local when you don't ever specify this?
> Is that the default path for a simple Cmake .. with no prefix/?

Because cmake thought your KDE is installed in /usr/local and setup the PREFIX 
that way.

> README cmake is a poor example of instructions. Two different
> instructions are confusing. Most people will use the READ Me file that
> comes in the download, but the projects site is better

OK, this is a valid point. We should straighten this out.

> 2)Where are the files supposed to go ? Are some files supposed to be in
> usr and some in usr/local?  It would be really really helpful if
> Kmymoney could produce a simple schematic of what files should be where
> for a successful install.

It's very easy: they have to go into the same directory where your KDE is 
installed. And that is the problem: we don't know where your distro installs 

> Then beginners could compare if things go wrong.

Beginners should use binary packages for their distro. If you build software 
yourself you left the beginner's circle. Or did you ever build software on 
this other OS?

> The same applies to Libofx (even though you are borrowing it you
> should know where it fits in)  It looks like the default install for
> Libofx is usr/local.

The location of libofx will be detected during the run of cmake and that 
location will be used during compilation/linking. Multiple locations are 
scanned to detect it, so it's not of utterly importance to be in the same 
directory as the KDE system. I do have it in /usr/local here as well as the 
AqBanking stuff is in /usr/local on my boxes. 

The difference between libofx itself and the KMyMoney plugin is, that 
information is kept within the plugin which libofx should be loaded incl. the 
full path. If no libofx is found in that location while KMyMoney is started, 
the plugin will not be loaded but KMyMoney works w/o it (but you don't have 
OFX support either).

KDE searches for plugins in very specific directories (please consult the KDE 
documentation for that). It can be customized, but that is within the scope of 
the distro. In general (and this is valid for out-of-the-box installations) 
KDE searches only in its own specific directories for plugins. So if KDE is 
installed in /usr it will search in /usr/lib{64}/kde4 but not in 
/usr/local/lib{64}/kde4. The operating system though uses the $PATH variable 
to search for executables and that usually includes /usr/local/bin so that the 
KMyMoney application code is found but the plugin is not found. Hope this is 
somewhat clear.

> Without OFX downloads Kmymoney is virtually useless
> in this day and age. There could be a small tutorial on Libofx relevant
> to its integration with Kmymoney as well.

Not sure if we need a tutorial for that unless you mean the usage of OFX. We 
are talking about building the sw here so I skip that.

> Incidentally README.OFX in the extracted Kmymoney4.5 tar surely relates
> to version 1.05 Kmymoney as there is no option in Cmake to --enable OFX
> plugin?

I filed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=249652 to fix it.

> 3)If I forgot to sudo make install once :) would that cause files to go
> to USR/Local? and then you get stuck with them


> One possibility is that I tried so many times,that the computer gave up
> and decided to help me. 


> More likely I speculate that the cmake .. no prefix put files in the wrong
> place, 

It most likely did that.

> and when I tried
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ the first time I probably typed
> something wrong and it reverted to the previous compiled version without
> the plug in. Finally I think I typed the prefix correctly and as I say
> the computer took pity on me or else things went as planned.
> When you don't know how to sudo make uninstall you dig a deeper hole for
> yourself.  I don't know how to sudo make uninstall!!

Well, you know how to do 'sudo make install'. Just do the same thing with 
'sudo make uninstall' and you're done. 'sudo make install' leaves a list of 
installed files which is used by the uninstall step to remove the files.

> (In the terminal
> what path/command  do you have to take to remove Libofx or Kmymoney say
> from usr/local. I don't know if I dare interfere with the duplications
> now, maybe better to leave well alone.

Ok get things clean for KMyMoney, proceed as follows (and don't deviate even 
if some instructions seem in vain - *they are not*). I assume, things now 
install in /usr and you are in the build directory.

a) sudo make uninstall
b) cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
c) make
d) sudo make install
e) sudo make uninstall
f) cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
g) make
h) sudo make install

Now you should only have the installation in /usr the one in /usr/local should 
be gone. Could be, that there are still some directories left over, but they 
should be empty.

For libofx I am not sure if one installation is made by installing a distro 
package. Consult your distro packaging system if that is the case. 

> I like Kmymoney and I'm really grateful to have a good programme that is
> free and not Microsoft. Obviously there are dedicated people working on
> it for love. At the moment the learning curve for installation including
> libofx is too steep. Too much pre knowledge is assumed and some of the
> instructions are too dense and confusing for simple users. A complex
> installation will put off many many people who would otherwise enjoy the
> programme.

That is exactly, why we are constantly looking for packagers to provide binary 
packages for the various distros out there. Each has its own dependency 
checking etc. and we cannot provide help on this level.

As mentioned earlier the following equation is true:

  compiling from source != simple user

while "!=" means "not equal" (not sure about your C/C++ knowledge)

> Thanks again  Ian Anderson

You're welcome.

p.s. I'd love to visit you and teach you how all this stuff works together, 
but I guess I don't have the budget to do so ;)



Thomas Baumgart

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