[Kmymoney] Cant install OFX plug in.
Ian Anderson
iancarol at ps.gen.nz
Tue Aug 31 13:25:56 CEST 2010
On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 14:01 +0200, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi,
> on Sunday 29 August 2010 01:28:10 allan wrote:
> > On 28/08/10 23:56, Ian Anderson wrote:
> > > I have switched to KDE 4 and Kmymoney4.5 from Kmymoney1.05 using
> > > Ubuntu.10.04.
> > > I live in New Zealand and bank with the ASB bank which means I suffer
> > > from the Libofx daylight saving bug which affects downloaded OFX files
> > > by moving each transaction a day forward. This affects Money.ofx QIF.ofx
> > > and Aqbanking.ofx downloads.
> > > The bug still remains in the current download for Libofx-0.9.1,(Feb
> > > 2009) but I have compiled it by replacing the extracted tar file
> > > ofx_utilities.cpp with a downloaded fix version of
> > > ofx_utilities.cpp(from Thomas Baumgart. April 2010) Also
> > > several other libofx files needed newer file versions for the make of
> > > Libofx-0.9.1 to finish without errors.
> > > Kmymoney 4.5 compiles normally as far as I can tell apart from a missing
> > > gold coin icon in the office menu and desktop icon. This doesn't stop it
> > > working so I don't care about that. It opens my current .kmy file
> > > without problems.
> > > Unfortunately there is no sign of the ofx plugin, which has not been
> > > installed. Thus I cant download my bank statements to see if the bug has
> > > gone.
> > >
> > > Is there any way I can find out where and why the ofx plugin has
> > > failed ? I have compiled Libofx and Kmymoney 4.5 many times now, and am
> > > sure I have got every dependency correct.
> > > Regards Ian Anderson
> >
> > Until an expert chips in, just a couple of points. When you run cMake,
> > does that show the OFX plugin to be installed?
every time
> That would be the first question. Next is: does the CMake setting for the
> install prefix is where your KDE lives? It happened to me several times that I
> saw /usr/local instead of /usr for this setting. If that is the case, run
> 'sudo make uninstall' first before you change anything. Otherwise a stray
> installation of KMyMoney is kept on your disk.
THIS IS THE PROBLEM!! KDE is in USR/ Initially KMYMONEY was in only
> Did you run 'sudo make install' at all? It is required, esp. if you
> modify/build the plugins. That is what Allan also mentioned in his last
> paragraph. Again, running make install is a *must* for plugin code.
YES I DID SUDO MAKE INSTALL. (nearly every time!?)
Thanks for your help. I can report success with the plugin (and others
icalender, print check, and reconciliation report, all now visible. and
a small trial OFX download, and for the first time in more than a year
the dates appear to be correct! (Now everybody in New Zealand
+ ?Australia can relax)(Is anyone out there?)
On my computer however there is a now a duplicate set of Kmymoney in
USR/ and USR/local, Also there seems to be the same with Libofx, its in
both places, but maybe its supposed to be?
I want to talk about this on behalf of all new users of Linux/Kmymoney
who basically don't know much and who get confused.
When I extracted Kmymoney4.5 tar I followed the quick start
instructions in the README.cmake. for the first 4 compiling attempts. ie
cmake .. (there are no Prefix instructions.)
In http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KMyMoney
it is cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
1)How do files get sent to usr/local when you don't ever specify this?
Is that the default path for a simple Cmake .. with no prefix/?
README cmake is a poor example of instructions. Two different
instructions are confusing. Most people will use the READ Me file that
comes in the download, but the projects site is better
2)Where are the files supposed to go ? Are some files supposed to be in
usr and some in usr/local? It would be really really helpful if
Kmymoney could produce a simple schematic of what files should be where
for a successful install. Then beginners could compare if things go
wrong. The same applies to Libofx (even though you are borrowing it you
should know where it fits in) It looks like the default install for
Libofx is usr/local. Without OFX downloads Kmymoney is virtually useless
in this day and age. There could be a small tutorial on Libofx relevant
to its integration with Kmymoney as well.
Incidentally README.OFX in the extracted Kmymoney4.5 tar surely relates
to version 1.05 Kmymoney as there is no option in Cmake to --enable OFX
3)If I forgot to sudo make install once :) would that cause files to go
to USR/Local? and then you get stuck with them
One possibility is that I tried so many times,that the computer gave up
and decided to help me. More likely I speculate that the cmake .. no
prefix put files in the wrong place, and when I tried
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ the first time I probably typed
something wrong and it reverted to the previous compiled version without
the plug in. Finally I think I typed the prefix correctly and as I say
the computer took pity on me or else things went as planned.
When you don't know how to sudo make uninstall you dig a deeper hole for
yourself. I don't know how to sudo make uninstall!! (In the terminal
what path/command do you have to take to remove Libofx or Kmymoney say
from usr/local. I don't know if I dare interfere with the duplications
now, maybe better to leave well alone.
I like Kmymoney and I'm really grateful to have a good programme that is
free and not Microsoft. Obviously there are dedicated people working on
it for love. At the moment the learning curve for installation including
libofx is too steep. Too much pre knowledge is assumed and some of the
instructions are too dense and confusing for simple users. A complex
installation will put off many many people who would otherwise enjoy the
programme. Thanks again Ian Anderson
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