Compiling Master Branch

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed May 15 17:25:16 BST 2024

On 5/15/24 12:18 PM, Brendan Coupe via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
> I have been compiling KMM for almost 20 years. I decided to try the 
> master branch.
> I'm running Fedora 39. I compiled and installed libalkimia first.
> When I try to compile the master branch I get the following error:
> -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:
>  * libofx (required version >= 7.0.0)
> I have version 0.10.9-3.fc39, which appears to be the latest version 
> on the libofx git page.
> What am I missing?
Quite possibly nothing.  I've been seeing that message for a long time, 
but if you look later in the cmake output, it should show that ofx IS 
included in the features to be compiled.  I've never bothered to track 
down the cause of that message, since ofx import works.


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