KMyMoney | Use QtKeychain instead KWallet directly (#46)

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Oct 10 17:41:34 BST 2022

On 10/10/22 12:34, Dawid Wrobel wrote:
> > Perhaps some pop-up on needing a password telling why it might not 
> be there if it used to be, and at least a pointer to instructions on 
> how to migrate, if possible.
> The problem is that it would have to show only once, and for all 
> users, as we won't be able to know whether or not they had some 
> passwords saved previously. And if we were already doing a "one time 
> for all" pop up, we might as well make it into a complete "What's new 
> in this major release" and point them to an article/open a 
> manual/page/whatever.
Not everyone reads "WhatsNew" postings, although the information should 
certainly be included there.  What I'm suggesting is a relatively minor 
wording to be added to the password prompt, which would only be shown in 
two cases.  If the user had (intentionally) not saved the password, they 
just enter the password and proceed. If they had previously saved it, 
they can now either enter it again and click the "save" box or else 
follow the instructions to migrate the passwords, and then not see that 
popup again.

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