bunq Integration

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Feb 16 19:28:44 GMT 2022


On Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022 12:22:41 CET Björn Ternes via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> Good Day, 
> I recently discovered KMyMoney and I am thrilled. So first a big thank you
> for this great piece of software! 


> I was able to connect all my banks to the software except bunq. 
> To still be able to import bookings into KMyMoney I wrote a Python script
> that reads this out via the API (https://doc.bunq.com/) and outputs it as
> CSV. I could then import this without any problems. I would like to
> automate this, so that I can trigger the import from KMyMoney? (Similar to
> what AQBanking does)
> First of all, is there already someone who has worked on an integration of
> BUNQ? Is KMyMoney itself the wrong place and I should rather look into
> AQBanking for example?

Not to my knowledge. There has lately been a discussion on the German
AqBanking mailing list about a similar FinTS offering, but an integration
has not been started to my knowledge. Most of the devs of open source
finance software somehow don't like the idea that a 3rd party gets knowledge
about their financial situation.

> Did I miss a documentation entry in my research that should answer these
> questions for me?

As always, we point to the source code which is the current truth :)

> Thanks! Looking forward for some advice.

Note: I have sent a longer answer to Björn in German in a PM, but the content
is basically the same.



Thomas Baumgart

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