Strange arithmetic

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Oct 26 23:04:05 GMT 2020


Thanks for the hint.  That does show two transactions that clearly  
didn't round well.  (extracted from spreadsheet)

T000000000000010355	S0001	16137733/1000000	16.137733
T000000000000010361	S0001	1330837/200	6654.185

Both are sales of stock.  After editing and saving them, the first  
changed amount from 16.13 to 16.14 (as shown in the brokerage account)  
and the first gave an error of missing .01.  I adjusted the "brokerage  
fees" by one cent, and the error went away, leaving the amount at  
6654.18.  The new extracted csv shows

T000000000000010355	S0001	807/50	16.14
T000000000000010361	S0001	332709/50	6654.18

I played a bit looking for other issues, and it looks like testing for  
a denominator >100 (at least for USDollar where that implies a finer  
gradation than .01) would find all such issues.  In my case, it only  
found those two.  Eventually, I'll run it (or a modified version) on my  
other accounts to be sure there isn't another problem lurking in my  
data.  Since the program will no longer create such results, I suppose  
it's not worth adding this to the consistency checks, but it might be  
worth making a modified version of to look through ALL  
transactions for such issues.  I'll see if I have time to try it.


On 2020.10.26 03:55, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Jack,
> can you try the contrib/ script to extract
> the info of that account and check it using a spread-sheet program?
> I suspect it to be caused by some rounding issue (possibly in an
> older transaction recorded with an older version of KMyMoney).
> Thomas
> On Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020 22:25:58 CET Jack wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've seen this before, but not very often.  I cannot detect any  
> pattern
> > in when it happens.  I think it has even been mentioned once on this
> > list.
> >
> > Every now and then, the arithmetic in the ledger seems off by a  
> penny
> > ($.01).  I've attached a screen shot of the Payment, Deposit, and
> > Balance columns from a ledger for a checking account.  At least  
> three
> > of the transactions are one cent off what I would expect from the
> > addition or subtraction of the payment or deposit from the previous
> > balance.  All transactions are cash, so I don't see how rounding  
> could
> > be involved.  However, this IS a brokerage account, so there are  
> some
> > investment transactions earlier in the history, in case it  
> matters.  I
> > don't recall for certain whether I've seen this in a non-brokerage
> > account.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Jackj
> >
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
>       Signal, the better WhatsApp
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> My friend couldn't afford to pay his water bill. So I sent him a 'get  
> well soon' card.
> -------------------------------------------------------------

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