[kmymoney] [Bug 417740] Abruf der Kontoauszüge von ING-Konto funktioniert nicht

Thomas Baumgart bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Tue Feb 18 08:39:35 GMT 2020


--- Comment #3 from Thomas Baumgart <tbaumgart at kde.org> ---
Things that differ in my settings (which work for me):

User ID: my account number at IngDiba
Customer ID: account number at IngDiba

Disable BASE64 encoding: checked

Your AqBanking and Gwenhywfar versions are OK. The TAN Mode is also OK as it is
not used (anymore) with IngDiba (that is their solution to comply with PSD2).

BTW: the KMyMoney forum at https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=69 is better
suited for this kind of support than the bugtracker here.

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