KMyMoney Compile..3rdparty directory

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Oct 18 20:53:46 BST 2019

That is why I am wondering if it is a problem with some dependent 
library.  Not particularly one that is too out of date, or that would 
likely have been flagged when configuring or compiling, but just one 
with a really obscure bug that you have somehow triggered.  However, the 
effort to figure that out would likely be vary large.  It would require 
running under a debugger (which means getting debugging symbols for the 
package, and maybe for the dependencies) and tracing when KMM calls for 
the dialog to display the data returned from AmEx.  Even for me, that 
would take some effort even to find the right place in the code to set a 

It would be easier if anyone else had ever seen that same problem.

On 10/18/19 2:52 PM, jvapr27 at wrote:
> All,
> I reinstalled kmm 5.0.3 from fedora's repo.
> AQBanking is there as is ofximporter.
> My AQBanking set up is still there, I guess the config file was never
> deleted.
> Anyways, I attempted to map the account to my credit card companies.
> With Amex, the same thing happens. The dialog comes back but it does
> not list the account numbers. I did what Thomas suggested and enabled
> logging of OFX transactions. I reviewed the log and see that both
> accounts come back in the payload. Both have the account number there.
> I do noticed that the number is random and the last 5 characters are
> the last 5 of my CC. Here is an example of one of them.
>              <ACCTINFO>
>                  <CCACCTINFO>
>                      <CCACCTFROM>
>                          <ACCTID>sssssssssssssss|#####
>                              <CYCLECUT.INDICATOR>false
>                                  <PURGE.INDICATOR>false
>                                      <INTL.INDICATOR>false
>                      </CCACCTFROM>
>                      <SUPTXDL>Y
>                          <XFERSRC>N
>                              <XFERDEST>N
>                                  <SVCSTATUS>ACTIVE
>                  </CCACCTINFO>
>              </ACCTINFO>
> So the data comes back from Amex. For some reason it is not presented
> in the dialog box. Weird.
> JV
> On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 20:03 -0500, Jesus Varela wrote:
>> Both used to work fine.
>> I will check but it wasn't until I moved to the libofx that this
>> started happening.
>> It is weird.
>> JV
>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019, 12:37 Jack <ostroffjh at>
>> wrote:
>>> JV,
>>> So with AmEx you get a response, but the popup doesn't show any
>>> actual account numbers or related information, and with CitiCard
>>> you get an error message about the software not being supported?
>>> If you log in to the CitiCards web site, can you find any
>>> information about what personal banking software they do support?
>>> Also, there is a note at that suggests enabling 3rd
>>> party software desktop access from the CitiCards web site, although
>>> it's not clear if that actually helped the person who posted it.
>>> Another post suggested using
>>> Check for
>>> the full discussion, with other suggestions, including using a
>>> client UID as well as enabling access through the website before
>>> trying the mapping.
>>> Jack
>>> On 10/17/19 1:13 PM, Jesus Varela wrote:
>>>> Thanks Jack. I tired playing playing with those before to no
>>>> avail.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> JV
>>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019, 10:27 Jack <ostroffjh at
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On the dialog for mapping the account, at the top is username,
>>>>> password,
>>>>> and client uid, and a checkbox to store password. Immediately
>>>>> below that
>>>>> are two dropdowns:  Identify as, and Header version.  The
>>>>> default for
>>>>> Identify as (Quicken Windows 2008) is outdated software, so
>>>>> many
>>>>> institutions do not support it any more.  Try selecting the
>>>>> most recent
>>>>> (Quicken Window 2019) and see if you get the same response.
>>>>> You can
>>>>> also try 103 instead of 102 as header version, although I have
>>>>> never
>>>>> needed this, and always gotten some error when trying it.
>>>>> The Client UID is a "random" 32 hex digit string, but is not be
>>>>> required
>>>>> for most institutions, and when needed, there is usually a
>>>>> slightly more
>>>>> informative error than you posted.
>>>>> On 10/17/19 9:17 AM, jvapr27 at wrote:
>>>>>> Since I started using the libofx(disabled the aqbanking in
>>>>> ccmake), I
>>>>>> don't see many options to adjust anything. I still have to
>>>>> try your
>>>>>> previous idea of enabling logging and looking at the log
>>>>> file.
>>>>>> I will take a look today.
>>>>>> JV
>>>>>> On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 07:24 +0200, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>>>>>>> On Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2019 06:41:00 CEST
>>>>> jvapr27 at
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> more bad news..
>>>>>>>> so following Jack's idea.. I tried a different CC.
>>>>>>>> I tried CitiCards this time.
>>>>>>>> Here is what I get:
>>>>>>>> see attachment...
>>>>>>> Did you play with the "Identify as" and "Header version"
>>>>> settings
>>>>>>> when mapping the account? Does that make a difference?
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> JV
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 2019-10-15 at 13:34 -0400, Jack wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2019.10.15 12:26, jvapr27 at wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> No, that did not help.
>>>>>>>>>> I also noticed the window that says it will connect to
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> get a list, never finishes. It stayed up for a while, and
>>>>>>> nothing.
>>>>>>>>>> I made the window wider, I changed my theme from Dark to
>>>>> Light
>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>> to  make sure the Text was not being hidden by some weird
>>>>> color
>>>>>>>>>> combination. Still nothing.
>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> JV
>>>>>>>>> OK, I just unmapped and remapped one of my accounts, and
>>>>> all
>>>>>>> four
>>>>>>>>> columns were filled in for all available accounts.  I now
>>>>> wonder
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> is something with how American Express responds to that
>>>>>>> query.  I'm
>>>>>>>>> preparing for a short business trip, so I'll be unlikely
>>>>> to test
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>> own single Amex account until next week.  Do you have a
>>>>> credit
>>>>>>> card
>>>>>>>>> with a different institution to try with to see if you get
>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>> results elsewhere?
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 2019-10-15 at 10:25 -0400, Jack wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not certain, but I would guess you need to make the
>>>>>>> window
>>>>>>>>>>> wider
>>>>>>>>>>> or resize the first column to make it wide enough to
>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>>>> display the account numbers.  I haven't mapped any
>>>>> accounts
>>>>>>>>>>> recently,  but I've certainly done it at institutions
>>>>> where I
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> multiple accounts, so it is (or at least was) possible.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/19 12:25 AM, jvapr27 at wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Team,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the attached screenshot.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When I use Kmymoney (without aqbanking) and select
>>>>> American
>>>>>>>>>>>> Express
>>>>>>>>>>>> Card, to map an account, it shows that screen. I have
>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>>>> accounts
>>>>>>>>>>>> with American Express. But this screen does not show
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> account
>>>>>>>>>>>> number so I can map it to.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this a deficiency in libofx(assuming this is what I
>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>> since I don't have aqbanking)? Or, do you think, it is
>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> KMyMoney
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> JV
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2019-10-14 at 23:00 -0500, jvapr27 at
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I get the fix?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do I just rerun my git clone command?
>>>>>>>>> I don't know if anyone answered this, or if you figured it
>>>>> out,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> no,
>>>>>>>>> you don't redo the clone command, you run "git pull" in
>>>>> the top
>>>>>>>>> level
>>>>>>>>> directory of the repository created by the initial clone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> JV
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2019-10-14 at 20:53 +0200, Thomas Baumgart
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jesus,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Montag, 14. Oktober 2019 19:30:21 CEST
>>>>>>> jvapr27 at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thomas, Jack,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wanted to test what you recommended: "An idea
>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> switch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sqlstorage back on and see if it helps. If so, we
>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ENABLE_SQLCIPHER                 OFF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ENABLE_SQLSTORAGE                ON
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The make -j 8 command; Completed successfully.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps the build system needs updating? I don't
>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Already done: see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meanwhile, I will continue to move forward to see if
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> online banking without using aqbanking.
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Thomas Baumgart
>>>>>>>       Signal, the better WhatsApp
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -
>>>>>>> LINUX is like a wigwam.. no windows, no gates and apache
>>>>> inside.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -

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