external programs - still used?

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Mar 30 17:16:08 GMT 2019


On Samstag, 30. März 2019 17:34:56 CET Jack wrote:

> Thomas,
> Thanks for the explanation.  I know how to put the appropriate icon on  
> the toolbar.  Is there any other way to launch the program?  I can see  
> the possibility of creating a custom shortcut, but I don't see any menu  
> entry for it.  I would expect every available action to able to be  
> launched by
> 1) an icon on the toolbar
> 2) a configured shortcut
> 3) a menu item
> and optionally by some icon/button or link on some view or  dialog.
> If 3 is not currently available, I'll create a wishlist for it.

3 is not available, feel free to add a wishlist item.



Thomas Baumgart

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