Net Worth Report - Closed Accounts

Brendan Coupe brendan at
Wed Jan 2 00:43:15 GMT 2019

I'm running a 2 day old version of KMM from the master branch on Fedora 29.

I closed a few accounts in the past 12 months. When I run a Net Worth
Report for the past 12 months and I click the "All" button in the
accounts filter tab the report includes the closed accounts. The
closed accounts are not displayed in the list of accounts in tthe same

If I then uncheck one or more accounts in the account filter tab the
closed accounts are no longer included in the report.

It seems like there should be an option to include closed accounts or
not include closed accounts with either "All" accounts or with only
some of the accounts.

Am I missing something?

Brendan Coupe

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