Error Connecting to MySQL DB

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sat Mar 3 13:20:28 UTC 2018


good to see signs of you.

In case you want to tackle this, don't go with tarballs. You should use a 
clone from the (Git) repository and then switch to the right branch. For you 
to start this would be

  git clone git://

which will create a subdir called kmymoney whereever you currently are in your 
filesystem. This will probably switch to the master branch which does not work 
for KDE4 (anymore). Next issue the following commands

  cd kmymoney
  git checkout 4.8

which will change the source to the latest in the 4.8 branch (has a few more 
commits than the tarball I guess). Ralf Habacker can answer details 
about the 4.8 branch.

I am pretty sure that the same problems reside in the 5.0 branch for Qt5 and 
KF5 so I will follow whatever you come up with.



On Donnerstag, 1. März 2018 12:54:15 CET Tony Bloomfield wrote:

> The problem with the keyword 'order' is that, although it has been
> escaped, the character used is a double-quote. By default, Mysql doesn't
> recognize this; it expects a backtick as the escape character.
>  If you have access to the Mysql configuration, this can be fixed by the
> addition of the line
> sql_mode = 'ANSI_QUOTES'
> to the [mysqld] section of the configuration file (in ubuntu, at
> /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysql.cnf), and restarting the mysql server.
> With this fix, I was able to load my 4.6 anonymized file under 4.8.0 in
> about 3-4 minutes.
> However, I decided to build from source and try that. I got the
> following error loading my 4.6 file:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------- Error in function bool
> MyMoneyStorageSql::alterTable(const
> MyMoneyDbTable&, int) : Error inserting into new table kmmFileInfo
> Driver = QMYSQL, Host = localhost, User = tonyb, Database = Anonkmm
> Driver Error:
> Database Error No -1:
> Text: 
> Error type 0
> Executed: INSERT INTO kmmFileInfo
>  (version, created, lastModified, baseCurrency, institutions, accounts,
> payees, tags, transactions, splits, securities, prices, currencies,
> schedules, reports, kvps, dateRangeStart, dateRangeEnd, hiInstitutionId,
> hiPayeeId, hiTagId, hiAccountId, hiTransactionId, hiScheduleId,
> hiSecurityId, hiReportId, encryptData, updateInProgress, budgets,
> hiBudgetId, '', '', logonUser, logonAt, fixLevel)
>  SELECT version, created, lastModified, baseCurrency, institutions,
> accounts, payees, '', transactions, splits, securities, prices,
> currencies, schedules, reports, kvps, dateRangeStart, dateRangeEnd,
> hiInstitutionId, hiPayeeId, '', hiAccountId, hiTransactionId,
> hiScheduleId, hiSecurityId, hiReportId, encryptData, updateInProgress,
> budgets, hiBudgetId, '', '', logonUser, logonAt, fixLevel
> FROM kmmtmpFileInfo;
> Query error No 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
> manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
> syntax to use near ''', '', logonUser, logonAt, fixLevel) SELECT
> version, created, lastModified, bas' at line 1 QMYSQL: Unable to execute
> query
> Error type 2
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
> This looks pretty bad!  I downloaded the source from one of the mirrors
> on this page:
> .mirrorlist
> If someone can confirm that is the latest, I'll look into the problem if
> you wish.



Thomas Baumgart       Telegram, the better WhatsApp
Two fish swim into a concrete wall.
'Damn' says one to the other.
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