No crash, but other (minor) issues: was: new crash on launching git master

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sun Jan 7 20:50:39 UTC 2018


On Sonntag, 7. Januar 2018 15:13:26 CET Jack wrote:


> Thanks.  My big problem now is that because I generally forget to "make
> uninstall" before I start a new compile, the area where I install all
> my test versions is very cluttered with files that are no longer
> created, and many of them cause console errors, which are probably
> meaningless, but are certainly annoying.  I can't totally clean out
> that area, since I have some other test apps installed there also.  I
> either need to be more careful to use "make uninstall" or perhaps
> create separate areas for each app I'm testing in this manner.

Ha, you're not alone with this. It happens to me all the time. In case you 
forgot to uninstall but notice it before you do another install you can do 
this in the top build directory:

  cat install_manifest.txt | xargs rm

If you install into system dirs you might have to run this as root. YMMV.

Plus, I have to install in /usr to make things working (don't do this 
environment stuff). When I rerun cmake, something the install path is setup 
with /usr/local and then things go strange as well. Plus, on my openSUSE 
system the default KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR is not correct, so I have to set this 
as well. Just recently I had to remove all sorts of *printcheck* files and 
directories to clean things out.





Thomas Baumgart       Telegram, the better WhatsApp
How can you make a programming language that will be good for
everything if you cannot even make such a screwdriver?
An open source enthusiast
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