looking to contribute

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Feb 26 21:25:29 UTC 2018


On Sonntag, 25. Februar 2018 17:55:53 CET Jack wrote:

> On 2018.02.25 17:29, Michael Harris wrote:
> > I'm looking to contribute to kmymoney.
> > 
> > My previous QT/QML experience was creating KDE Arch Update notifier.
> > 
> > https://github.com/I-Dream-in-Code/kde-arch-update-plasmoid
> > 
> > Looking at bugs.kde.org there's some REALLY old bugs that I'm not
> > sure are
> > relevant.
> > 
> > I'm hoping to help with the 5.0 branch.
> > 
> > My fear is that there's a lot of math involved in the calculations
> > etc that
> > I'm not too well versed in.
> > 
> > I read the patch notes of only having 6 active contributors and
> > hoping to get
> > started.
> > 
> > Where, I'm not sure.
> > 
> > Beyond bugs I'm hoping to get started contributing to features.
> > 
> > IRC is pretty dead (true for all KDE irc channels though)
> > 
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Mike Harris
> Mike,
> Welcome to KMyMoney.  (I do documentation, not code, so one of the
> developers will have to respond as to where they could use the most
> help.)

Also welcome from my side. 

> IRC is still good - but only if you have a planned discussion so the
> relevant folks are present.  Otherwise, as you noted, it's pretty hit
> or miss if anyone is actually around to respond.

Most of the communication happens here on the mailing list. We use IRC 

> Regarding the old bugs - my personal opinion is that many of them are
> actually suitable for closing as unmaintained at this point, especially
> if they are in an area that has had any changes, and even in areas
> where the interface is still mostly the same, there has been a lot of
> work under the covers.  I think one issue with the old bugs is
> balancing a developers time between actually improving the software and
> doing the admin work of closing old bugs.

Well, at some point, we need someone to triage those bugs which should include 
checking if they are still valid. Some of them are probably outdated. I start 
to mark new entries for version < 4.8 as outdated but I leave old ones 
untouched (for now).

> As far as math, I don't actually think it's as much as you think, other
> than perhaps a few areas.  Most transactions just add or subtract from
> the balance of two or more accounts.  Currency conversion might be
> complicated arithmetic, but I wouldn't call it serious math.

That's true. In general it's pure addition. In case currencies come into play 
we talk about multiplication. Once it comes to loans and amortization it might 
become a bit more tricky.

> The developers may suggest otherwise, but from my perspective, the
> highest short term priority is dealing with the regressions that snuck
> in with 5.0.

That's true. Some recent modifications have side effects which still hide 
under the surface.

> A few folks, including myself, have issues that have made
> some use of the application impossible or at least extremely
> difficult.  Some are just cosmetic, or very annoying to work around,
> but some are more serious.  You can look through the archives of the
> mailing list (if you haven't been subscribed for a while already) and
> look through the recently filed bugs (if you haven't already).


should show which bugs are still present for 5.0.  I just see that 390120 is 
another duplicate, since I fixed this one a few days ago. Now marked.

> In terms of desired features, there are quite a few wish-list items
> mixed in with the bugs.  My personal desire is to see work get started
> on a revamp of the investment area.  Allowing cash in an investment
> account is a starting point, but tracking shares (first-in first-out)
> for performance reports and capital gains calculations is probably a
> big area.

Yes, that is a big area. Another thing we looked into was moving some of the 
UI to QML where appropriate and doable. I am working on the new ledger code 
when time permits. The DB backend also needs some love. I've seen a few bug 
entries lately.

Where you want to start working depends a bit on your preferences. 



Thomas Baumgart

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