new problem with 5.0 - it doesn't think mapped accounts are mapped

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed Feb 7 00:51:41 UTC 2018

On 2018.01.15 16:01, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> On Montag, 15. Januar 2018 10:54:10 CET Jack wrote:
> > On 2018.01.15 02:45, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > > On Sonntag, 14. Januar 2018 18:35:14 CET Jack Ostroff wrote:
>>>> I just recompiled from the 5.0 branch, and there is a problem with  
>>>> the online mapping.  None of my mapped accounts show as mapped.  
>>>> However, if I click the Account menu, I see "Unmap account"  
>>>> enabled, and "Map account" is disabled.
> Weird, so they are found. There was a problem with a case conversion  
> that caused this problem, but if you are at 5.0 HEAD this should be  
> fixed. The problem was, that your file may contain a provider name  
> like "KBanking" and it is now called "kbanking" after a change by  
> Lukasz. But we fixed that to only compare the lower case versions (so  
> basically case insensitive) and then they should match. Here's the  
> commit info:
> commit 719f713999e8ac4d75ddf617d812ce28220e0c02 Author: Thomas  
> Baumgart <thb at> Date:   Tue Jan 9 20:47:03 2018 +0100
>     Fix account editor's online tab
>     Bring back the online tab of the mapped provider for old data  
> files,     where the provider name may be spelled with mixed case  
> letters and now     the provider name is lower case only.
>     Make sure to use and compare only lowercase provider names from  
> now on.
> Maybe, it still finds some old installation, but it finds some. So  
> that is good.

I'm finally paying attention to this again, and both 5.0 and master  
have the problem.  I was able to unmap and remap one account.  On the  
previously mapped accounts, Account/Edit does not show an online tab.

I suppose I can manually edit my .kmy file, but if this is really  
necessary for me - will in not also affect ALL users with mapped  
accounts where the bank name is in mixed case?


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