new (?) cmake problem with libalkimia version

Andrew Ho andrewho at
Tue Dec 18 18:23:46 GMT 2018

The version of kmymoney i test is git-050c7d17.

The version of libalkimia-8.0.0.

This CMakeList.txt is

find_package(LibAlkimia5 8.0.0)
if (NOT LibAlkimia5_FOUND)
   find_package(LibAlkimia5 7.0.0 REQUIRED)

That means either LibAlkimia5-8.0.0 or LibAlkimia5-7.0.0.

I confirm that libAlkimia5-8.0.0 is working.



On 2018-12-18 12:16 p.m., Jack Ostroff wrote:
> I just tried recompiling from git head branch 5.0.  It claimed it 
> could not find an appropriate configuration file for libalkimia5. It 
> found version 8.0.0 of the relevant cmake files, which are there 
> because I currently have libalkimia installed from git head.  For now, 
> I'll just reinstall the released libalkimia.  My question is whether 
> we do need to restrict libalkimia to version 7.0.0 or if it would be 
> OK to allow >= instead of just =.
> Jack

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