Installation problem with the latest stable release

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sun Sep 24 17:22:40 UTC 2017


there is a subtle difference to install software from a software centre and 
from installing it from source.

Building from source (that is what you tried) can be a bit tricky at times and 
involves a bit of knowledge about the process and the tools.

Since I don't know, which distro you are using and which version of KDE (KDE4 
or KF5) it uses as base system, I cannot tell you what to do next.

BTW: 4.6.x is outdated. We are currently working on a 4.8.1 release for KDE4 
based systems and a separate one for KF5 based systems.

Hope that helps a bit further.


On Sonntag, 24. September 2017 17:29:05 CEST Peter Wilton wrote:

> Hello,
> I've just had to change my laptop. I was using KMyMoney on Xubuntu on my
> old machine, and I tried to get it from the software centre on my new
> machine (I think that's how I got it before), but it wasn't there. It
> was simple to download last time.
> I googled KMy Money and found 4.6.4 for KDE Platform 4 on your website.
> As far as I can understand, I have to follow the instructions on a file
> called README.cmake (which I note is dated in the text February the 7th,
> 2009). I got as far as:
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
> ... and I got the error message:
> "The source directory "/home/peter" does not appear to contain
> CMakeLists.txt."
> Any ideas?
> Thank you, and best wishes,



Thomas Baumgart       Telegram, the better WhatsApp
The amount of experience is directly proportional to
the amount of destroyed equipment.
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