MS.Reputation.1 and Kmymoney

Chris DeveloperChris at
Sat May 13 02:08:30 UTC 2017

WS reputation is a crowd sourced reputation score. its not an indication of 
a virus or anything else.

It is a false positive. If Norton allows you to ignore the warning then do 
so and submit a  false positive report to them so they can fix the problem.

Rebel Software <>

On 12/05/2017 10:51 PM, Douglas Christie wrote:
> Hi
> I am running your program kmymoney on my Linux UbuntuMate16.10 without 
> issues.  I have tried to run it using your windows 4.8.0 download, 
> however, it gets flaged by my Norton anti virus software for 
> MS.Reputation.1 and refuses to install.
> Many sources mention this MS.Reputation.1 as being malware with potential 
> problems.
> Can you please let me know how and why this is used in your program and if 
> it is a threat?
> Regards,
> Douglas Christie

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