Current master (KF5) crashes on closing.

aga agander93 at
Mon Jan 23 16:29:23 UTC 2017

On 23/01/17 07:07, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Sunday 22 January 2017 22:50:14 aga wrote:
>> I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" on closing KMM.
> I saw the same here yesterday but did not have the time to analyze where that 
> might come from.
> @Allen: did you ever use 'git bisect'? Might be worth to look into it to see 
> where this crash on exit was introduced. Any output on this would be very 
> welcome (just don't have the time to do it myself).

I've never used it but I remember seeing a mention of it many moons ago.

I've now gone back to 9f41f84ee571e36af7365029f584d903c2cddeea - 31 July
last - and it's still failing.  I alternate between two different .kmy
files, load then immediately close.  Generally it will crash, but
occasionally it needs a couple of goes.

I need to break off now but will try more when I get time.

Oh, I've just tried editing a file, not saving it then closing.  It
crashed with no warning to save.


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