Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Aug 31 18:13:26 UTC 2017

Am 31.08.2017 um 20:01 schrieb Jack:
> [to the list and not posted to the review]
> I've published the final review, and I thought the next step would be
> to land it, but
> "rbt land --dry-run" or "rbt land --dry-run 4.8" tells me
>      "ERROR: Please specify a destination branch." and
> "rbt land --dry-run --dest 4.8" or "rbt land --dry-run --dest 4.8" say
>      "ERROR: The local branch cannot be merged onto itself. Try a
> different local branch or destination branch."
> Is this because I made my changes in the 4.8 branch instead of a
> branch created specifically for this review?  
II cannot say, because I do not use this.rbt command. Normally I edit
the related commit, add a REVIEW:xxx tag and run git push.

> Am I correct that now I need to do a "git push" 
> and then "rbt close" separately?
no, if you have a REVIEW: tag in the commit message (see
for an example)
git push does this for you.

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