libalkimia version questions

Jack ostroffjh at
Sat Aug 26 20:16:08 UTC 2017

Am I correct that KMM 4.x requires libalimia < 6.0.0 and git master  
requires >= 6.0.0?

Can these two versions of libalkimia coexist, or not?  I know one can  
be installed outside the main system area, and the version of KMM that  
need it can be pointed to it, but wanted to be sure that was  
necessary.  (In Gentoo terminology, can the two versions be in  
different slots?)

Where is the "official" home of libalkimia?  All the Gentoo resources  
seem to point to  
"" which  
has a most recent date of 2012.

Thanks for any info.


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