Rounding Error with Taxes

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Mon Aug 7 14:41:08 UTC 2017

Hi Gee,

On Montag, 7. August 2017 13:01:52 CEST Gee Backhouse wrote:

> Hello,
> Firstly, thank you for a great product which I use and love.
> And now, my problem.
> I am having to consider tax (VAT) for the first time in Kmymoney and have
> found a rounding error. I followed the excellent instructions in your pdf
> manual and they work like a dream until there's a number that it is unable
> to resolve.
> *Example*: I am entering the gross amount of 17.07 and the associated tax
> amount is 20%.
> On a calculator 17.07 gives 14.225 + 2.845
> In Kmymoney 17.07 gives 14.22 + 2.84 (automatically as shown in the
> attached). So, Kmymoney appears to round each value down and leave me with
> a discrepancy - which I am also unable to override manually.

Rounding is a tricky business. There are many ways out there, how rounding can 
be performed. See for 
a good overview.

What are the values that you expect to show up? Is it 14.23 and 2.84 or 14.22 
and 2.85? The method we currently use on the net amount is documented as 

    RoundRound                 /**<
                                * Use RoundHalfDown for 0.1 .. 0.4 and
                                * RoundHalfUp for 0.6 .. 0.9. Use RoundHalfUp
                                * for 0.5 in case the resulting numerator
                                * is odd, RoundHalfDown in case the resulting
                                * numerator is even.
                                * e.g. 0.5 -> 0.0 and 1.5 -> 2.0

I am using the feature myself extensively and never had these problems. OK, my 
VAT percentage is 19% so that seems to give odd numbers to not run into this 

> Can you help?

We will try. I have no immediate solution (other as to turn off the automatic 
VAT assignment for now and enter values manually). I think I have localized 
the source of the problem and can then fix it in source. This comes to my next 

Which version of KMyMoney are you using?

> Many thanks. Yours hopefully,



Thomas Baumgart       Telegram, the better WhatsApp
On Windoze it helps to reboot, on UNIX it helps to be root!
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