KMyMoney 4.8.0 (the Randa release) is out

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Tue Jun 14 20:54:44 UTC 2016

KMyMoney version 4.8 is now available. This is the latest version based for 
the KDE Software Compilation 4.x series and it contains the following main 

     Added support for online SEPA transactions
     Added support for import from Weboob
     Improved payee matching when importing transactions
     Supports AqBanking versions 5.5.0 or later
     Updated Brazilian account templates
     When an account cannot be closed, a tooltip explains the reason
     Categories no longer have opening date, which caused annoying errors
       both during input and while running the consistency check
     Do not inadvertently modify start date of schedules
     Solved rounding problems causing reconciliation to fail and
       investment transaction to show missing assignments of 0.00
     Fixed some annoying consistency check errors

The full list of solved issues can be viewed in KDE's issue tracker. [1]

For a full list of the changes please check out the changelog. We highly 
recommend upgrading to 4.8.0.

The 4.8.x series will continue to be improved with critical fixes only and the 
team will now focus on the upcoming 5.x series based on KDE Frameworks 5.

The source tarball can be found in the usual places: or

once they are uploaded. In case it is not there (yet), please visit again at a 
later point in time.

The KMyMoney Development Team




Thomas Baumgart

GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and UNIX.
I don't think that this is a coincidence. (anonymous)
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