invenstment transaction report question

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed Jun 1 20:28:47 UTC 2016

I have been making some of my charitable donations in the form of  
appreciated stock.  I have recorded this in KMM as a "remove shares"  
with a note in the memo about who they were donated to.  I would now  
like to get a listing or report of those transactions, including their  
value.  The problem seems to be twofold.  First, neither the  
transaction reports nor the investment reports include add/remove  
shares transactions.  Second, in the ledger, I could filter to the  
desired transactions, but add/remove shares transactions do not include  
the price as of that date.  Is there anything I can do, or would it  
require actually digging into the kmy file and extracting both the  
transactions and prices separately?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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