Citibank Visa OFX Problem

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Mon Jul 18 06:29:28 UTC 2016


On Sunday 17 July 2016 19:26:14 Brendan Coupe wrote:

> Thanks for the help. I know that my OFX downloads failed 2 weeks ago when i
> gave up and switched to the Fedora version for the first time in many years.
> I modified my script to get the 4.8 branch. Here is the new git clone
> command for anyone else wondering how to get the source.
> git clone git:// --branch 4.8

That's right, but you only need to 'clone' once.  After that, a simple 'git 
pull -r' is enough to fetch any changes in case you don't do change the source 
yourself. A clone always fetches all sources of all branches and takes 
considerably longer.



Thomas Baumgart

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