Openning of Databases fails

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sun Dec 4 09:01:10 UTC 2016


your remark about the backend is also my opinion (gut feeling based).

The problem you encounter should not happen as I added logic to add the column 
to the DB once you open an older version. Why does this not get executed?


On Saturday 03 December 2016 21:23:29 Christian David wrote:

> Hello,
> I cannot open my old databases anymore. The query which causes the problem
> is attached. Note that there are more colums in INSERT INTO than in the
> SELECT (the costCenterId) — which will obviously fail.
> We really need a new strategy for the database backend, the current state is
> not tenable.
> Greetings
> Christian
> Driver = QSQLITE, Host = localhost, User = xxx, Database = xxx/kmymoney-
> testfiles/tset.sqlite
> Driver Error:
> Database Error No -1:
> Text:
> Error type 0
> Executed: INSERT INTO kmmSplits (transactionId, txType, splitId, payeeId,
> reconcileDate, action, reconcileFlag, value, valueFormatted, shares,
> sharesFormatted, price, priceFormatted, memo, accountId, costCenterId,
> checkNumber, postDate, bankId) SELECT transactionId, txType, splitId,
> payeeId, reconcileDate, action, reconcileFlag, value, valueFormatted,
> shares, sharesFormatted, price, priceFormatted, memo, accountId,
> checkNumber, postDate, bankId FROM kmmtmpSplits;
> Query error No -1: No query Unable to fetch row
> Error type 1
> void MyMoneyStorageSql::cancelCommitUnit(const QString&) - bool
> MyMoneyStorageSql::alterTable(const MyMoneyDbTable&, int) s/be int
> MyMoneyStorageSql::upgradeToV9()
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'MyMoneyException'


Thomas Baumgart

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