Review Request 127559: BUG 360129 Do not fetch from csvimporterrc if it's empty

Cristian Oneț onet.cristian at
Sun Apr 17 08:23:55 UTC 2016

> On April 7, 2016, 7:59 p.m., Christian David wrote:
> > kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, line 1967
> > <>
> >
> >     Should become
> >     ```m_shrsinList = profilesGroup.readEntry("ShrsinParam", m_shrsinList);```
> >     
> >     The if() is very long and not needed here. However, I still do not know if this is the issue. Also the ```i18nc()s``` from ```init()``` could go here if the readSettings method is always called, which I do not know either.
> Allan Anderson wrote:
>     > Should become
>     > m_shrsinList = profilesGroup.readEntry("ShrsinParam", m_shrsinList);
>     I'm not sure I understand this.  The second parameter is the default value to return if the key is not found.  What does it achieve in this case?
>     > The if() is very long and not needed here.
>     There are several ifs around here, but I don't see an unduly long one.
>     > Also the i18nc()s from init() 
>     > could go here if the readSettings method is always called, which I do not know either.
>     readSettings is called only once, from void InvestProcessing::slotFileDialogClicked(), so that code could be moved somewhere in void InvestProcessing::readSettings(), I think.
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
>     > Should become 
>     > m_shrsinList = profilesGroup.readEntry("ShrsinParam", m_shrsinList);
>     I compiled KMyMoney code according to your change for every m_XXXList variable and ran my test case. Proposed line looks neat but doesn't work for me. SellParam= etc. are empty in my csvimporterrc after just created new profile.
>     >readSettings is called only once, from void InvestProcessing::slotFileDialogClicked(), so that code could be moved somewhere in void InvestProcessing::readSettings(), I think.
>     Please give a code and I'll test it.
>     > I do not know the full conversation but I am pretty sure this patch will not solve the issue. If something in the newly created rc file is missing, the write method seems to fail, not the read method.
>     My loose observation: Write method is called at the end of importing and read method is called after creating new importing profile for investment.
> Christian David wrote:
>     > I do not know the full conversation but I am pretty sure this patch will not solve the issue. If something in the newly created rc file is missing, the write method seems to fail, not the read method.
>     I withdrew this idea. You should not waste your time with it.
>     > I compiled KMyMoney code according to your change for every m_XXXList variable and ran my test case. Proposed line looks neat but doesn't work for me. SellParam= etc. are empty in my csvimporterrc after just created new profile.
>     You are right. The code recomended by me has a different behaviour. However, now I doubt that anything I wrote was actually helpfull. I just briefly inspected the code – now I see that is more complex than I thougt. So my recomendations are based on insufficent knowledge. Due to the description in the bug report I still think there is a high chance that the issue is in the write function.
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
>     Due to the description in the bug report I still think there is a high chance that the issue is in the write function.
>     And you may be right, look what I've found.
>     New entry of importing profile in `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc` is created in csvdialog.cpp by following routine
>     ```c++
>     void CSVDialog::createProfile(QString newName)
>     {
>       KSharedConfigPtr  config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("config", "csvimporterrc"));
>       KConfigGroup bankProfilesGroup(config, "BankProfiles");
>       bankProfilesGroup.writeEntry("BankNames", m_profileList);
>       bankProfilesGroup.config()->sync();
>       KConfigGroup bankGroup(config, "BankProfiles");
>       QString txt = "Profiles-" + newName;
>       KConfigGroup profilesGroup(config, "Profiles-New Profile###");
>       KSharedConfigPtr  configBackup = KSharedConfig::openConfig(KStandardDirs::locate("config", "csvimporterrc"));
>       KConfigGroup bkprofilesGroup(configBackup, "Profiles-New Profile###");
>       KConfigGroup newProfilesGroup(config, txt);
>       bkprofilesGroup.copyTo(&newProfilesGroup);
>       newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("FileType", m_fileType);
>       if (m_fileType == "Invest") {
>         m_investProcessing->m_shrsinList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("ShrsinParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("ShrsinParam", m_investProcessing->m_shrsinList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_divXList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("DivXParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("DivXParam", m_investProcessing->m_divXList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_intIncList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("IntIncParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("IntIncParam", m_investProcessing->m_intIncList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_brokerageList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("BrokerageParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("BrokerageParam", m_investProcessing->m_brokerageList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_reinvdivList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("ReinvdivParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("ReinvdivParam", m_investProcessing->m_reinvdivList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_buyList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("BuyParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("BuyParam", m_investProcessing->m_buyList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_sellList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("SellParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("SellParam", m_investProcessing->m_sellList);
>         m_investProcessing->m_removeList = bkprofilesGroup.readEntry("RemoveParam", QStringList());
>         newProfilesGroup.writeEntry("RemoveParam", m_investProcessing->m_removeList);
>       }
>       newProfilesGroup.config()->sync();
>     }
>     ```
>     According to above routine, new entries in 
>     `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     supposedly should be created from template entry (Profiles-New Profile###) in
>     `$USR/share/config/csvimporterrc` (read-only-file).
>     Moreover all m_XXXList are defined here also and supposedly shouldn't be empty because template entry isn't empty.
>     On my system (Fedora 23, KDE Frameworks 5.21.0, Qt 5.5.1) it doesn't work though.
>     Snippets of code:
>     `KStandardDirs::locateLocal("config", "csvimporterrc")`
>     responsible for locating
>     `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     and
>     `KStandardDirs::locate("config", "csvimporterrc")`
>     responsible for locating
>     `$USR/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     both point to the same file and that is
>     `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     Config file
>     `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     hasn't got "Profiles-New Profile###" so empty values are defined in m_XXXList and in new entry.
>     Do `KStandardDirs::locate("config", "csvimporterrc")` works correctly on my system? I think, yes.
>     According to `KStandardDirs::locate` is convenience function for `KGlobal::dirs()->findResource(type, filename)` where in our case, type is "config" and filename is "csvimporterrc". That function will
>     >    The filename should be a filename relative to the base dir for resources. So is a way to get the path to csvimporterrc to findResource("config", "csvimporterrc"). KStandardDirs will then look into the subdir config of all elements of all prefixes ($KDEDIRS) for a file csvimporterrc and return the path to the first one it finds (e.g. $HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc). You can use the program kde4-config to list all resource types.
>     My `kde4-config --path config` gives me
>     `$HOME/.kde/share/config/:/etc/kde/:$USR/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/:$USR/share/config/`
>     Notice that `$HOME/.kde/share/config/` is before `$USR/share/config/` so it will be quered first by `KStandardDirs::locate` and according to `KStandardDirs::locate` will return full path to the first one file it finds and in case of "csvimporterrc" it always will be `$HOME/.kde/share/config/csvimporterrc`
>     My thoughts:
>     1) `KStandardDirs` is deprecated and should be replaced with `QStandardPaths` but I don't think it can be done now since I suppose that KMyMoney is compiled against < Qt 5 now.
>     2) csvimporterrc in `$USR/share/config/` could have unique name, so `KStandardDirs` won't confuse it with the one in local dir but I don't think it's the best idea because "Profiles-New Profile###" is preset with all English types of operations and that won't work for non-English users
>     3) I still do believe that my original path is good here, because: it won't harm not to fetch empty values from csvimporterrc into KMyMoney, it's reported to work in non-English environment, it shouldn't break usage in English environment
>     What are your opinions?
>     @Allan
>     You've said that your csvimporterrc is initiated with all required values, oppositely to mine; what is your system configuration (OS, KDE, Qt)?

I think that this patch should focus on clening up CSVDialog::createProfile. Here are a few hints:
- use only one [KSharedConfig::openConfig]( because that already merges local and global configurations so the template should already be present in that object 
- remove unused variables
- maybe rename 'Profiles-New Profile###' into something more suggestive like 'Profiles-NewProfileTemplate' (think about how this change would affect a user updating the application)

About the patch: I don't see why BuyParam should be read in a different way than ShrsinParam so it looks good to me.

- Cristian

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On April 3, 2016, 4:45 a.m., Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 3, 2016, 4:45 a.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 360129
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> -------
> Fixes bug #360129. During creation of new investment statement
> template, transaction types are initialized in
> investprocessing.cpp, but then are overridden with empty fields
> from profile that was just created in csvimporterrc which results
> in every non-buy transaction unrecognized during the import.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp 3879819 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Tested using financial statement from bug #360129.
> Thanks,
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz

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