[Kmymoney-devel] Consistency Check for opening dates

Christian Dávid christian-david at web.de
Wed Oct 21 19:08:36 UTC 2015


for a while now I receive such consistency check errors:

  * Transaction 'T000000000000000112' has a post date '⟨date⟩' before one of 
the referenced account's opening date.
    Referenced accounts: ⟨account name⟩
    The post date was not updated to '⟨date from above +3 days⟩'.
Finished: 0 problems corrected. 2 problems still present.

I think this error is not useful for the user. Mainly because the long id is 
shown – to normal users this is the only place to meet this id, so it is 
absolutely useless. We should change that (I can do that).

However, I wanted to ask if we should stick to this message? KMyMoney can 
handle this situation very well, so why should we care?

Is there a way to show this message only if you start the check manually (Tool 
-> Consistency Check)?


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