[Kmymoney-devel] Yet another OFX import issue

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 4 21:02:45 UTC 2015

On 2015.02.04 15:19, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> On Monday 02 February 2015 18:04:33 Jack wrote:
> > Using OFX direct connect, I just updated an investment account.  The
> > most recent transactions imported were for 2014/12/31.  The online
> > settings have start date of import set to last update.  If I delete  
> one
> > of the transactions from 2014/12/31 and update the account again, it
> > re-imports that transaction.  Since the last update was today, I  
> would
> > not expect it to import anything from over a month ago.
> >
> > Looking into the log (ofxlog.txt) the relevant line looks like
> > "<DTSTART>20141202" and this does not seem to change to today's date
> > after an import, whether or not it actually imports any  
> transactions as
> > new.  If I explicitly set a start date of import, that date does  
> show
> > up in <DTSTART> in the next update, but if I set it back to date of
> > last update, it goes back to 20141202.  The clock on my PC is  
> correct.
> > This is with git head (Version 4.7.90-826bb6aa03) as of a few weeks
> > ago.  I'll try to do some more testing, but would appreciate any
> > suggestions as to where I might look for anything else that could
> > affect this.  I wouldn't expect a bug, as I don't recall any  
> changes in
> > this area recently - have I missed something?
> >
> >
> > Another minor odd point is that if it DOES import a transaction, I  
> get
> > the popup showing how many transactions were downloaded, how many  
> were
> > duplicates, etc.  If all the downloaded transactions are  
> duplicates, I
> > don't get the popup at all.
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas.
> I looked into the sources and found out, that we keep the date of the  
> last
> transaction from the previous import as that date. I remember that  
> for HBCI we
> even subtract a few days from that to be on the safe side as banks  
> might add
> data later on (we've seen this happen here via HBCI). Would that  
> explain the
> behavior you experience?
If you mean adding a few days, no, that is not the problem.  If I  
update twice in a row, the second time should then have a date no more  
than a few days ago, not near the beginning of December, about 60 days  
ago, which is what I'm seeing now.  I suspect something has changed,  
since I don't recall this problem in the past.   Where is that date of  
last import stored in the KMM file?  I don't recall seeing it.  I'll  
have to look again - but I do recall seeing some date in the  
ONLINEBANKING section in a format different from 20150203, where I  
would have expected all dates to be there in the same format.

Just to explain why this is so obvious to me right now - you can recall  
that I've had lots of issues with OFX imports from Merrill Lynch.  In  
some cases, it is simply easier for me to create a new transaction and  
then delete the downloaded one, instead of trying to modify the  
downloaded one.  When I do this, it will download them again.  For this  
reason, I delay deleting the originals until another day with another  
download, just so it wont try to download them again.  My download is  
now starting 60 days ago, instead of a few days ago, and still 60 days  
ago for a second (or more) downloads in a row today.


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