[Kmymoney-devel] Yet another OFX import issue

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Feb 4 20:19:45 UTC 2015

Hi Jack,

On Monday 02 February 2015 18:04:33 Jack wrote:

> Using OFX direct connect, I just updated an investment account.  The
> most recent transactions imported were for 2014/12/31.  The online
> settings have start date of import set to last update.  If I delete one
> of the transactions from 2014/12/31 and update the account again, it
> re-imports that transaction.  Since the last update was today, I would
> not expect it to import anything from over a month ago.
> Looking into the log (ofxlog.txt) the relevant line looks like
> "<DTSTART>20141202" and this does not seem to change to today's date
> after an import, whether or not it actually imports any transactions as
> new.  If I explicitly set a start date of import, that date does show
> up in <DTSTART> in the next update, but if I set it back to date of
> last update, it goes back to 20141202.  The clock on my PC is correct.
> This is with git head (Version 4.7.90-826bb6aa03) as of a few weeks
> ago.  I'll try to do some more testing, but would appreciate any
> suggestions as to where I might look for anything else that could
> affect this.  I wouldn't expect a bug, as I don't recall any changes in
> this area recently - have I missed something?
> Another minor odd point is that if it DOES import a transaction, I get
> the popup showing how many transactions were downloaded, how many were
> duplicates, etc.  If all the downloaded transactions are duplicates, I
> don't get the popup at all.
> Thanks for any ideas.

I looked into the sources and found out, that we keep the date of the last 
transaction from the previous import as that date. I remember that for HBCI we 
even subtract a few days from that to be on the safe side as banks might add 
data later on (we've seen this happen here via HBCI). Would that explain the 
behavior you experience?



Thomas Baumgart

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