[Kmymoney-devel] [onlinebanking] proposals for improved usability

MK mailing.m1 at kkk-web.de
Fri Sep 19 18:23:47 UTC 2014

Hi Christian!

> Do you mean the account numbers tab in in the payees view? 
Yes. Exactly.

> I am really
> unhappy with a lot of thinks here (like the one you mentioned). 
What about providing a kind of converter to the user: Two columns with "old" 
national transfer data on the left side and IBAN/BIC data on the right side.
As the transition to IBAN is still in progress users do have a lot of 
account data in "old" style. Why not entering the old data on the left and 
convert it to valid IBAN on the right (or vice versa)? So you so not have to 
decide which kind of data is entered.

>> 3. The length limit of the "purpose" input box should be mentioned more
>> prominent. The same applies to how many separate lines (4?) are allowed.
> Do you have a suggestion how this could be done without overloading the
> user interface?
With a pop-up message - just as you do it right now for the other input 
fields. When a user tries to overload the "purpose" box - flash a warning 
about the limits of the box.
>> 4. It's possible to circumvent the length limit by inserting text via
>> CTRL- V.
> This is intentional. The text which is too long should be marked in red.
OK. Perhaps some kind of explanation should be shown: "Please edit the 
entered text to according to SEPA guidelines (4 lines with a max. of x 
characters per line). Text marked in red is out of bounds and will be lost 
when proceeding."

>> 9. I filed a crash in bugtracker [kmymoney4] [Bug 338413]
Bug is fixed. Thanks! But still no saving of entered data...

Perhaps a validity check should be performed after entering IBAN/BIC values 
for a payee.

>> - Editor complains about missing IBAN of account "", despite selected
>> "order account"
> I know, but I do not know where this is coming from :( Has somebody an
> idea?
I'm no programmer, but somehow the content of the account's IBAN variable 
isn't read. I definitively entered a valid IBAN for this account.

While typing an IBAN the text "IBAN is invalid" is shown. This is confusing 
for the user in my opinion. The check should be performed and displayed 
_after_ a full IBAN has been entered. Perhaps show the message "IBAN still 
to short" while typing.

What is an "end-to-end reference"?

When entering a valid bank identifier in "national transfer" section, the 
colour button turns yellow. What does that mean? 
Furthermore, bank name is not filled out automatically as promised ;-)

Is it possible to query aqbanking for information whether the intended 
transfer completed successfully? I created a transfer, clicked "send" and 
cancelled pin query in aqbanking. The transfer now shows up as "sent to bank 
- make a copy". In my opinion, one should be able to edit failed transfers - 
only completed transfers should be "locked".

Keep up the good work despite my bleating! :-)


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