[Kmymoney-devel] compiling kmymoney on windows

Cristian Oneț onet.cristian at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 10:44:11 UTC 2014

2014-02-24 12:26 GMT+02:00 Chris <DeveloperChris at rebel.com.au>:
> I intended to compile them one by one. It seems some unnecessary ones are
> included, for example mysql. I intend to download the binaries for the ones
> I need and compile the minimum set I can.
> Of course my plans are already falling apart.
> While building libtool 2.4.2 I get a dialogue popping up every few seconds
> "the procedure entry point libintl_setlocale could not be located in the
> dynamic msys..." Ignoring it seems to be ok?
> Then make fails with...
> emerge debug: executing command: G:\kderoot\msys\bin\sh.exe --login -c "cd
> /g/kderoot/build/dev-util/libtool-2.4.2/work/mingw4-RelWithDebInfo-2.4.2 &&
> make -e -j2  VERBOSE=1"
> Makefile:514: *** missing separator.  Stop.
> it appears make does not allow for multiline statements, which is where the
> above is failing.
> I am going to switch to msvc 2010 :( perhaps mingw4 is my problem. it
> appears not enough people are using it to catch all the bugs and I haven't
> tried msvc so it may resolve some of the errors.
> I was going to send any bugfixes upstream but things that are au small
> business specific keep them local.
> As far as I am aware splits don't work when importing, But that may have
> changed.
> All the accounting packages I have used allow you to close off the period.
> some make it mandatory. I am aiming for the middle of the road.
> One very important feature I am going to work on and its worth pushing
> upstream is when parsing imported statements make it context sensitive. By
> that I mean set up import rules that will direct a transaction to a
> different account based on the source bank account.
> This means that say "Interest Paid" form one bank account can go into a
> different account to "Interest Paid" from another bank account.
> That is all providing I can even get it to build....

Well I'm sure it's possible and this [1] also states that it can be
done so don't give up trying :).

[1] http://winkde.org/pub/kde/ports/win32/dashboard/release/

> Chris
> On 24/02/2014 6:50 PM, Cristian Oneț wrote:
>> 2014-02-24 10:10 GMT+02:00 Chris <DeveloperChris at rebel.com.au>:
>>> Thanks Cristian.
>>> I think I'll try just compiling kmymoney. Its the dependencies that keep
>>> failing.
>> Unfortunately without the dependencies you can't compile kmymoney.
>>> Are there any restrictions on forking the project? As my earlier email
>>> say I
>>> want to create an Australian small business version. That means a few
>>> minor
>>> variations...
>> None that I know of, although we would prefer any feature to be
>> properly integrated into kmymoney.
>>> Change wording to replace VAT with GST
>> That could be done in the Australian translations.
>>> set up splits automatically
>> I think that already works.
>>> Create a special GST report
>> This could be added to kmymoney .
>>> Create import scripts for Australian banks, they do not use OFX.
>> Could be done as a plugin.
>>> The ability to close off a financial period.
>> We had some discussions about this, don't know if it's make sense for
>> personal finances.
>>> Add import balances from a previous financial period (file)
>> Could be done as a plugin.
>> Regards,
>> Cristian
>>> And probably a lot more that I haven't thought of yet.
>>> Chris
>>> On 24/02/2014 4:41 PM, Cristian Oneț wrote:
>>>> 2014-02-24 0:56 GMT+02:00  <rebel at renegade.rebelhosts.com>:
>>>>> What I would like to ask is how is the current kmymoney compiled for
>>>>> windows? Is it using one of the above systems? is it cross compiled?
>>>> The installer that we provide and the binaries it contains was created
>>>> using emerge. The last release that we made is using the KDE 4.10.5
>>>> libraries using the MSVC 2010 compiler.
>>>>> Is there a way I can get a copy of the environment or at least
>>>>> somewhere
>>>>> I can go to find out what needs doing?
>>>> I guess can't get a copy of the whole environment because of it's
>>>> size. Use emerge [1] to make your own (using the kde-4.10 branch). If
>>>> you  run into any issues please ask for help at kde-windows at kde.org.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Cristian
>>>> [1] http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Windows/emerge

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