[Kmymoney-devel] A bit clueless on category selection

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 09:40:40 UTC 2014

On 11/02/14 08:01, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi Allen,
> On Thursday 06 February 2014 23:46:29 Allan wrote:
>> I've had a few looks at a bug I raised in 2011 - "
>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275455 The KMyMoney selector list
>> is not moved when the dialog it belongs to is moved ", without really
>> getting anywhere.
>> More recently, I also found that a similar issue affecting the category
>> selector when editing a transaction, so I had another go.
>> It appears that the drop-down list is not correctly anchored to its
>> parent, but I couldn't find a way to resolve that, although I did write
>> a mickey-mouse program where the tree widget was built into the UI, so
>> that approach could be a possible solution.
>> Another way was to hide the drop-down if the focus was lost, so it
>> couldn't be left behind.  Eventually, I got this to work, although it
>> requires the user to hit the arrow button again to regain the drop-down.
>> (To Thomas) I realise that your time is restricted, but wondered if this
>> latter approach might be acceptable?  Obviously, this is not a major
>> issue, but it keeps nagging me.
> How about adding an eventfilter to the dropdown and install it with the
> parent. This way, you could react on move events and move the drop down as
> well. Does that make sense to you?

Hi Thomas

I'm still looking at this!  I'd got to the point of hiding the drop-down 
if the mouse moves outside of the drop-down, but I want that not to 
happen until there is a mouse click, but haven't achieved that yet.  I 
haven't got the mouse click from KCategoryReassignDlg to be recognised 
by kMyMoneyCompletion.

Cristian suggested modeling on the payee, but to me that is a totally 
different beast.

I actually installed an event filter in KCategoryReassignDlg last night 
but I've not finished that yet.  Not quite got my head around that yet, 
but it's good experience (I hope).

I have a hospital appointment shortly so hope to get back on the case later.

Thanks for the response.


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