[Kmymoney-devel] A bit clueless on category selection

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Feb 11 08:01:20 UTC 2014

Hi Allen,

On Thursday 06 February 2014 23:46:29 Allan wrote:

> I've had a few looks at a bug I raised in 2011 - "
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275455 The KMyMoney selector list
> is not moved when the dialog it belongs to is moved ", without really
> getting anywhere.
> More recently, I also found that a similar issue affecting the category
> selector when editing a transaction, so I had another go.
> It appears that the drop-down list is not correctly anchored to its
> parent, but I couldn't find a way to resolve that, although I did write
> a mickey-mouse program where the tree widget was built into the UI, so
> that approach could be a possible solution.
> Another way was to hide the drop-down if the focus was lost, so it
> couldn't be left behind.  Eventually, I got this to work, although it
> requires the user to hit the arrow button again to regain the drop-down.
> (To Thomas) I realise that your time is restricted, but wondered if this
> latter approach might be acceptable?  Obviously, this is not a major
> issue, but it keeps nagging me.

How about adding an eventfilter to the dropdown and install it with the 
parent. This way, you could react on move events and move the drop down as 
well. Does that make sense to you?



Thomas Baumgart

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