[Kmymoney-devel] Bugs triage

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Aug 1 06:39:58 UTC 2014



> > I hate to ask this right after you spent so much time and effort on this,
> > but is there any point in also going through the kmymoney2 bugs to 1)
> > close
> > them all out 2) see if any of them are worth bringing up to kmymoney4
> > (probably not, but perhaps some wishlist items might still be valid.)
> Of course, you're right we should salvage whatever is valid in the
> 'kmymoney2' list and close 'kmymoney2' as a product.

And while we're at it: there's still the old site on SourceForge at 


which also contains a few items (a first look told me that at least one of 
them is already implemented).



Thomas Baumgart

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