[Kmymoney-devel] Gwenhywfar>=4.6.0 linking problems

Łukasz Maszczyński lukasz at maszczynski.net
Wed Jul 24 12:56:34 UTC 2013

2013/7/24 Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de>:
> I am running only Gwen 4.3.3.  Probably need to upgrade
> here to fix this problem (which is certainly unrelated to the mentioned bug
> but is in the same location). I think the Gwen author changed a few things
> that hit us here.

That's what I suspected. I'm still curious about the root cause of the
mentioned bug though :)

> Don't have the time right now but will look into it during
> the next couple of days. In case you find something new, please let me know.

Great. I did a bit of research and now I'm sure the lib was split.
Version 4.3.3 does not have libgwengui-cpp library, so it included the
now-missing symbols in libgwengui-qt4:

$ nm -CD libgwengui-qt4.so.4.3.3 | grep getCInterface
00015630 T CppGui::getCInterface()
000142f0 T CppDialog::getCInterface()
00016610 T CppWidget::getCInterface()

and these were moved in 4.6.0 to libgwengui-cpp:
$ nm -CD libgwengui-qt4.so.4.6.0 | grep getCInterface
         U CppDialog::getCInterface()
         U CppWidget::getCInterface()
$ nm -CD libgwengui-cpp.so.4.6.0 | grep getCInterface
00004020 T CppGui::getCInterface()
00002e60 T CppDialog::getCInterface()
000047a0 T CppWidget::getCInterface()

Looks like the new lib must be added to build system, but since
gwenhywfar 4.3.3 still seems to be used by many, it should support
both 4.3.3 and 4.6.0. Right?

If so, I can post a review request that I think would solve this issue.


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